Some in this world, still dont understand what exactly the Bluetooth is. Is it a some kind of tooth decay (Even I was in the same position when I first heard about this jargon ;-)). So to let others know what a Bluetooth is, i came out with this article explains about Bluetooth and also some of its misuses[...]

So, What Exactly a Bluetooth is?
Bluetooth in simple terms ,is a method of connecting two or more electronic devices wirelessly .With this connection the devices can actually share data,transfer instructions and do lot more.Bluetooth uses some low power radio waves(For geeks, it uses a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz ) to transmit and receive between the devices .Bluetooth can connect up to 8 devices simultaneously with in the range of 10 meters(32 feet).
The Bluetooth devices are smart enough to have an electronic conversation (automatically) between them when one comes in range of the other. with this electronic conversation they bluetooth headsetdecide whether they have any data's to share or one should take control of the other.After this conversation they form a network within the range (say a room) called as Personal area network (PAN) or piconet.They constantly transmit and receive small signals to make sure each others presence.By this way they share data between them.The big draws of Bluetooth are that it is wireless, inexpensive and automatic.

Why We are Using Bluetooth?
Before this Bluetooth technology we were (and we are still)using Infrared (IR) to transfer data . For example, a normal TV remote uses infrared to communicate with the TV.The main advantages of this technology is its cheap , fairly reliable and it can be integrated into a system easily. But it has some major drawbacks like it is a ‘line of sight’ technology (i.e, you have to point the devices to the IR port to connect them )and you cannot connect more than two devices simultaneously with IR.
As,Bluetooth overcomes all these drawbacks and also has the advantages of IR it is accepted widely all over the world.

Illeffects Misuse of Bluetooth:
Bluetooth is misused by some crooked people to breach and send some unsolicited messages ( now they can even send some sounds and pictures ) to the nearby unsecure connections and this method of misuse is called as bluejacking ( and those who do bluejacking are called as bluejackers ).Bluejacking has emerged into a small tech culture as there are large fan sites,How to’s site for bluejacking. Bluejacking is considered harmless.
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