Kamis, 03 Mei 2012


Everybody knows Nokia Unveils Touchscreen Smartphone - Nokia 5800...

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic ( code named 'Tube').To say the least, this phone is considered to be an iphone killer. with this launch nokia has marked its entry in the Touch screen market which is now been dominated by Apple ,LG and blackberry (I hope that the tables to shift when this phone is available in the market[....]

The Finnish mobile phone giant is aiming the 5800 XpressMusic firmly at the consumer market. It will be available with the Comes With Music service.The phone also exclusively houses a seperate Media dedicated Button , when it is pressed a special dropdown menu apperars in the screen with all the media option, with this kind of features this phone is gonna make its own mark in the touch screen music phones market .

Phone features and price:

The phone also houses a 3.2 Mp camera and a whopping 8GB of internal memory . The phone is expected to be available by this quarter .priced at around £218 plus VAT in UK and Rs. 20,000 in india and $395 in USA.

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