Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Specifications Price Mobile 2009 guidance package Esia recomendasi MUI (IMajelis Ulama Indonesia) can acces facebook to

To welcome the holy month of Ramadan many competing mobile operators menawrkan specific item that smells of religion to boost market sale. One of them is Esia (Bakrie telecom). Through the two latest mobile phones are the product of Huwei.

For First package offered at a price of Rp 299,000, - with the content:

full-Qur'an 30 juz, with Latin letters and arabic translation
-adzancell, prayer time marker
-counter dhikr
-collection of hadith Riyadhus Shalihin
-baca/dengarkan lectures and sermons (ustadz Muhammad Ustadz Arifin Ilham and other prominent)
inspired faith, a collection of nuanced reading Islamic books
Muslim-news, always updated with the news of Islamic
-infaq applications, easier to donate to various organizations
super-durable battery 10 days
Color screen -65
32chord-polyphonic ring tones
-photo frame application and selection of Islamic-themed images.

For the second package is offered at a price of Rp 499.000, - to the content

-Al-Quran 30 juz complete with an arab, latin, translation and chanting holy verses Murottal MP3
-Adhan Voice with MP3 sound original, chanting voices adzan of Nabawi mosque, Masjid haram al-Azhar and Cairo.
four options and dhikr dhikr counter applications
clusters Riyadhus Shalihin haditz
-baca/dengarkan lectures and sermons of inspiration and ustadz other intelligent
Muslim-news, always updated with the news of Islamic
-infaq applications, easier to donate to various organizations
Opera mini-browser: browse Facebook, frienster, gmail, etc.
-VGA camera
2-GB MicroSD card
-262K TFT 1.8 inch color screen

for all the packages above get bonus talktime upRp14.300,-

tags: facebook mobile, the package of guidance esia 2009, esia Islamic package, the latest handphone esia, update mobile phone, mobile cahting

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