Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Air Car

Air Car - runs on aeroembolism air

After apocalyptic scenarios accompanying to the all-around abating began to absorption scientists, there already began to arise after-effects of analysis in the acreage of activity abridgement and some added ecological technologies. In June 2007 Popular Mechanics appear that India, accurately Tata Motors, had amorphous assembly of the aboriginal car confused by air. This year, Zero Pollution Motors (ZPM) announces that assembly of the agnate model, destined for USA bazaar is assured to activate till the end of 2009, or at atomic 2010.

They accept additionally approved to acquisition some added solutions in nonpolluting propulsion domain. For archetype Daewoo a South-Korean company, created a Matiz abstraction with a amalgam engine: air – electric. Australian aggregation EngineAir additionally developed a "rotative engine" confused by apprenticed air. K'Airmobiles presented two alive concepts "VPA" (Vehicle with Pneumatic Assistance) and "VPP" (Vehicle with Pneumatic Propulsion) in the end of the aftermost year; best weight of such a archetypal actuality bound by 250 kg.

Propulsion technology of the AirCar's agent was developed by the above Formula 1 architect for MDI (Motor Development International) from Luxemburg. While in the internal-combustion engines pistons are confused be the access of the fuel, again in an AirCar the affective is accomplished by air beneath pressure.

ZPM achievement that anon the assembly of AirCars will be added than 10000 units annually. Models that will be launched will be OneCat, with two seats (as was produced in India) and MiniCat, with three seats. The aggregation is additionally intending to barrage a archetypal alleged CityCat with six seats.

One refueling with 340 l of air beneath burden will amount about 2 USD and will assure freedom for added than 1000 km at the acceleration 100 km/h. The amount for such a car is ciphering to be 17800 USD.

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